Jessica Alba Reveals The Secret To Her Flawless Body

alba_06Jessica Alba shows off her ridiculously perfect body on the June 2015 cover of Shape magazine. Now that it’s summer either you’re ready to show off the body you’ve been working on all winter, or your regretting on not working on it. Either way Jessica Alba is a great example of what the perfect beach body looks like. Thanks to Shape magazine the actress is revealing all her secrets to that flawless body!

On the secret to her incredibly fit physique: “I attribute my athletic body to the martial arts, gymnastics, dance, and strength training I did while filming Dark Angel. That’s made me strong and really set the bar.”

On how having daughters has improved her body confidence: “I wasn’t truly confident about my body until I had my daughters, Honor, 7, and Haven, 3. I felt more comfortable in my own skin after they were born. Plus, if I want them to be happy with their bodies, I need to walk the walk.”

On her must-have snack: “I’m addicted to popcorn. I eat it throughout the day. I’m a scatterbrain with lots of things to do at once, and eating popcorn helps me concentrate. It’s my way of dealing with my mind wandering off.”



Post Author: CourtneyOMG