Alicia Keys Explains Why She Decided To Stop Wearing Makeup

“I’m not a slave to makeup. I’m not a slave to not wearing makeup either”

Alicia Keys has been one of the main celebrities trying to encourage women that they don’t need makeup to look beautiful. Now, trust me when I say that I am a makeup junkie. I love the way it makes you feel, and I love the way it makes you look, but I still feel the same way on days when I don’t wear makeup. I believe that is the goal! Every woman should feel beautiful with or without makeup. You have to love the skin you are in. There is no better person to teach women this than a celebrity with a huge platform who women look up to.

Alicia Keys covers the February issue of Allure magazine where she explains why she’s choosing to go makeup free theses days.

On her decision to not wear makeup: “I started at 20 years old in this ridiculously invasive world [the music business] in which everyone covered me in makeup and then threw me under tons of lights, so I’d sweat for two or three hours….It took me so long to finally say, ‘Whoa!’ Who am I under there? That is just my own personal quest.”

On women’s rights: “I am all about a woman’s right to choose. I think a woman should do anything she wants as it relates to her face, her body, her health. Whatever mode of expression that empowers you, that’s what you should do. What I am not down for is this ridiculously high, unrealistic expectation about appearance that we as women are held to.”

On mean people: “You know what would be really cool? If we stopped offering our opinion unless asked. If nobody asked you, keep your mouth shut! Like with the Internet? That’s just too much opinion. People are mean. It’s a sickness.”


To read more of Alicia’s interview, head over to Allure

Post Author: CourtneyOMG