When you have three kids and a body like a Victoria Secret model. Actress Zoe Saldana really is perfect!
The 38-year-old actress covers the newest issue of Shape magazine in a super cute blue two piece outfit that’s perfect for the summer. Zoe Saldana looks like she’s one of those people that are just naturally fit. She bounced back so quickly after the birth of her son Zen who was born in February.
Check out what Zoe told the magazine
On her thoughts about “perfection”: “If we could design ourselves, we’d all be perfect. But we can’t, so why be unhappy about it? I’ve never wanted different hair or my body any other shape. And I’ve never thought of a person as ugly unless they opened their mouth and their heart was full of venom.”
On exercise: “I can’t work out regularly, so I compensate by eating a lot healthier than I might otherwise. Once you have relatively healthy eating habits, your workout can become playing with your kids, strolling around the neighborhood, playing airplane, or just changing diapers.”
On her support system: “When I feel overstimulated by the world, I lean on my family. I have a great partner in life, great sisters, a mom who is a friend, and some male friends I love to pieces too. If I’m suffering and in pain, it hurts more if I don’t share how I feel and ask for help. It’s so healing when you ask for love and are loved back.”
For more, head over to Shape