Usually nowadays when getting married, a prenup is pretty standard. Unless you’re in denial and not thinking about what would happen in case you break up. Majority of the time it’s the man who asks for the prenup, especially if he’s the one bringing in more money. Well, not in Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade’s case.
Gabrielle and Dwyane got married late last summer, but before walking down the aisle Gabrielle made sure her husband to be signed that prenup. In an interview with Yahoo Style, she talks about the prenup & more.
On asking, husband, Dwyane Wade to sign a pre-nup: “For women in Hollywood, when they’re coupling, everything is about the brand. Everything is about latching on to a rising star, so you can kick your heels up. That’s never been my story, ever. I make sure to let people know all of the hard work that’s gone into my career. I want people to know the work that it took to get through UCLA, that I had student loans and worked. I was eating Top Ramen and lived well below my means. Now that it’s time to get married to a man who happens to play basketball and has done well for himself, I want to make it clear that I have in no way hitched my wagon to his star. I have my own wagon and star.”
Her feelings on, co-star, Chris Rock’s recent article about how few black women there are in movies and television: “I think it was part of a larger conversation about a lack of real inclusion in the casting process. They say, “We just went with the best candidate,” but if you’re never considered, you never have a chance. I don’t think people won’t tune in to True Detective if I was Colin Farrell’s wife, or if it was Eva Mendes or Viola Davis. He was pointing out if you look at the biggest films and television shows, there’s not a lot of diversity. The fact that there’s a massive controversy about [the new Star Wars having] a black Stormtrooper is crazy. It’s a made-up world. But in movies, even if you’re in an outer-space community, there’s no diversity. Damn, that says a lot”.
On actors and athletes becoming more vocal and political: “People have always had their own personal views, but they weren’t challenged. I don’t think there’s any footage from back then where Michael Jordan was asked about an issue. I’ve known Michael for a long time, and I couldn’t tell you what his views are. It’s not something that comes up. He’s from before there was social media. In this day, there’s a news story about celebrities every second. People are demanding a lot more. The fact that I can do a press junket for a movie and people ask me what’s happening in my uterus says a lot. They want 110 percent of what you have to offer. But now that I’ve been given a voice, I’m going to use it.”