Throwback to the dopest decade with a new game show series on MTV called 90’s House! This highly anticipated series premieres on September 26th with game show hosts Lance Bass and Christina Milian. According to MTV, “the show is set to place 12 millennial housemates in a ‘90’s-inspired house. The crib will be outfitted with […]
Christina Milian
Celebs Out & About: Week Of October 26th
Christina Milian & Lil Wayne Call It Quits After A Year Of Dating!
From break up to makeup to calling it quits for good! Singer Christina Milian and her rapper boo Lil Wayne have officially ended their relationship after dating on and off for a year. The ex couple had a lot of people talking when it was revealed that they were dating. Mostly, Lil Wayne’s baby mamas. […]
Celebs Out & About: Week Of August 24th
Christina Milian Covers LATINA Magazine, Talks Relationship With Lil’ Wayne
Christina Milian sizzles on the cover of Latina magazine’s May 2015 issue! Christina has been in the industry for a pretty long time, but it wasn’t until after watching her reality show on E! that you got to know the real her. She down to earth, a great mommy and she’s beautiful! Total package if […]
Christina Milian Is Back On The Market!
Christina Milian is officially a single woman. She just ended her engagement to fiance Jas Prince! The couple have been together for over two years. They started dating not too long after Christina and The Dream broke up. I should of known this was coming! I follow Christina on Instagram and she is always posting […]