Rapper Iggy Azalea reveals her new look on the September 2015 cover of Seventeen magazine.
The 25 year old newly engaged entertainer has been quiet for some time now. Hasn’t put out any new music, cancelled her tour and is barely on social media. In the issue Iggy talks about needing a break after working nonstop for 2 years straight. She also opens up about plastic surgery and dealing with social media.
On whether she’s had a nose job: “I’m not denying it. Denying it is lame. I don’t think you should be ashamed if you made a change to yourself, which is why I’ve spoken about the changes I’ve made, like with my breasts.”
On plastic surgery: “Your perception of yourself can change a lot over time, so I think it’s important to wait and make sure it’s the right choice. Plastic surgery is an emotional journey. It’s no easy feat to live with your flaws and accept yourself—and it’s no easy feat to change yourself. Either way you look at it, it’s a tough journey. There are things that I didn’t like about myself that I changed through surgery. There are other things I dislike but I’ve learned to accept. It’s important to remember you can’t change everything. You can never be perfect.”
On whether her looks are under more scrutiny now: “It’s hard to be a woman in 2015 with social media. There’s so much more emphasis on taking pictures of ourselves and the ‘likes’ or people commenting on them. There’s a lot more pressure to look beautiful. Some days I just want to look like s*** and feel okay with that.”